Literary translation

Published translations:

  • 2023 Haiven, Max, O aceite de palma. A graxa do imperio (from English Palm Oil. The Grease of Empire). Catro Ventos, Vigo
  • 2022 Han, Byung-Chul, Infocracia. A dixitalización e a crise da democracia (from German Infokratie. Digitalisierung und die Krise der Demokratie into Galician). Catro Ventos, Vigo
  • 2021 Spyri, Johanna, Heidi (from German Heidis Lehr- und Wanderjahren –1880– and Heidi kann brauchen, was es gelernt hat –1881– into Galician). Aira das Letras, Allariz
  • 2021 Süskind, Patrick, O perfume. Historia dun asasino (from German Das Parfum. Die Geschichte eines Mörders into Galician). Kalandraka, Pontevedra
  • 2021 Lladó, Salvador, A bolsa ou a vida. O 99 % contra a emerxencia climática (from Catalan La bossa o la vida. El 99% contra l’emergència climàtica into Galician). Catro Ventos, Vigo
  • 2020 Fallada, Hans, E agora que, homiño? (from German Kleiner Mann – was nun? into Galician). Irmás Cartoné, Compostela
  • 2020 Neugebauer, Gerd M., A degradación invisible do solo (from German Erde in Not. Die heimliche Bodenkatastrophe into Galician). Catro Ventos Editora, Vigo
  • 2020 Gonstalla, Esther, O libro do clima. Todo o que cómpre saber sobre o cambio climático (from German Das Klimabuch. Alles, was man wissen muss, in 50 Grafiken into Galician). Catro Ventos Editora, Vigo
  • 2019 Arruzza, Cinzia; Bhattacharya, Tithi; Fraser, Nancy, Feminismo para o 99 %. Un manifesto (from English Feminism for the 99 Percent. A Manifesto into Galician). Catro Ventos Editora, Vigo
  • 2019 Carson, Rachel, O sentido do abraio. A celebración da natureza para persoas de todas as idades (from English The Sense of Wonder. A Celebration of Nature for Parents and Childern into Galician). Catro Ventos Editora, Vigo. Includes preface
  • 2018 Gonstalla, Esther, O libro dos océanos. Que ameaza o mar (from German Das Ozeanbuch. Über die Bedrohung der Meere into Galician). Catro Ventos Editora, Vigo
  • 2018 Zweig, Stefan, Novela de xadrez (from German Schachnovelle into Galician, together with Saleta Fernández Fernández). Irmás Cartoné, Santiago de Compostela
  • 2017 von Horváth, Ödön, Mocidade sen deus (from German Jugend ohne Gott into Galician). Irmás Cartoné, Santiago de Compostela
  • 2017 Einstein, Albert, Verbo da teoría da relatividade restrinxida e xeral (from German Über die spezielle und allgemeine Relativitätstheorie). Consello da Cultura Galega, Santiago de Compostela
  • 2013 Schlieper, Birgit / Stahl, Nina, Ás veces quero morrer coa risa (from German Manchmal möchte ich mich totlachen into Galician). Editorial Galaxia, Vigo
  • 2010 Steiner, George, George Steiner en The New Yorker (from English George Steiner at the New Yorker into Galician together with Lara Domínguez & Saleta Fernández). Edicións Xerais de Galicia, Vigo
  • 2009 Kehlmann, Daniel, A fama: novela en nove historias (from German Ruhm. Ein Roman in neun Geschichten into Galician). Editorial Galaxia, Vigo
  • 2008 Baltscheit, Martin, O pequeno señor Paul (from German Der kleine Herr Paul und Der kleine Herr Paul macht Ferien into Galician). Edicións Xerais de Galicia, Vigo
  • 2008 Schlink, Bernhard, O retorno (from German Die Heimkehr into Galician). Editorial Galaxia, Vigo
  • 2007 Schubiger, Jürg / Hohler, Franz, Así comezou todo (from German Aller Anfang into Galician). Edicións Xerais de Galicia, Vigo
  • 2007 Ungerer, Tomi, Ningún bico para mamá (from German Kein Kuß für Mutter into Galician). Edicións Xerais de Galicia, Vigo
  • 2006 Kehlmann, Daniel, A medición do mundo (from German Die Vermessung der Welt into Galician). Editorial Galaxia, Vigo
  • 2004 Hoppe, Felicitas, «El picnic de los peluqueros» (from German “Picknick der Frisöre” aus Picknick der Frisöre into Spanish). Goethe Institut Barcelona,
  • 2004 Hoppe, Felicitas, «En el dobladillo» (from German “Am Saum” aus Picknick der Frisöre into Spanish). Goethe Institut Barcelona,
  • 2004 Zweig, Stefan, Novela de xadrez (from German Schachnovelle into Galician, together with Saleta Fernández Fernández). Ir Indo, Vigo